


Third Term: - Easy - Easy - Easy-Medium - Medium -Easy - Easy - Medium-Easy -Hard - Medium - Medium-Hard - Hard - Medium


About me-done
Exercises- done

School assigments:

The highs and lows of the human rights
What was the reason of the American civil war?
The reason was the slavery.

Other questions:

-Who was Nelson Mandela before the apartheid?
Before being elected president was a prominent activist against apartheid.

-What kind of problem did the Berlin wall produce?
The Berlin Wall split in two parts the city and forcing the total isolation between the two parts of the country. It separed the German Democratic Republic of the Democratic Republic to the Federal Republic.

-What empires finished in the 19th Century?
In 19th Century finished the colonization of South America with Simon Bolivar.

-What did Eleanor Roosevelt do for the universal declaration of human rights?
She was a member of the international committee who draw up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

-Who is Karl Max?
He was a communist who would give power and rigths to the people.

-Wich year did the people of France adopt their Declaration of the Rights of Man? What’s this?
They adopt it in 1793. It's the text on it's wrote recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

-When did the colonial expansion begin?
In the 15th Century.

-Where did powerful europeans created empires?
In Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania.

-When and where was the Magna Carta singed?
The Carta Magna was singned in Britain in 1215.

-What day was the American independece declared?
Was on July 4, 1776.

-Why did the africans when to America?
They were transported in appalling conditions to work in America.

-Who was the leader of the American revolution?
Was Samuel Adams.

-Who marked the begin of the end of the apartheid?
Nelson Mandela mark it.

-What did an American court decided in 1841?
An American court decided that the slaves were people, not propiety.

-When did Ghandi help India to the indepence?
In 1947 Ghandi help India to independece.

-Who was Antigone? And king Creon?
Antigone is the name of two different women in Greek mythology, she’s daughter of the accidentally incestuous marriage between King Oedipus of Thebes and his mother Jocasta. The King Creon is a figure in Greek mythology best known as the ruler of Thebes in the legend of Oedipus.

-Who was Moses?
According to the Hebrew Bible, Moses is a religious leader, lawgiver, and prophet, to whom the authorship of the Torah is traditionally attributed.

-When did the American revolution finished? What happened?
It finished in 1783, North America broke free from British rule and declared Independence.

-Who was the king in UK in 1918?
Was the king George V.

-Wich were the lows of God? Are they similar to the present human rights?

-What was the inquisition?

-How did kings and tribal use their power?


The right to a  nationality

To have a nationality means that a group of people lives in the same country, sharing costumes, languages, traditions, festivals... in short, to have a nationality is take a part of a state.
Nationality allows to have a your own passport, currency and proper frontiers.
Many wars happened because one government imposes its will over another and forcing the people to live without rights. People should be able to choose their government.
Kosovo it's a country that losts all of its autonomy in 1989, but in the lasts ten years the people tried to keep out of the Bosnian war by resisting peaceful and don't protect their own with guns.







Isabel Pérez
BBC Grammar