Favourite News


-Crippled cruise ship expected in San Diego
·How many people are on the cruise?
·What day is expected to be to the coast?
·How many tugboats will help the rescue?

-Libya 'to halt military action'
-Why it is declared the cease-fire?

-Have the attacks will ended for part of Gaddafi, before the ceasefire?

-What were discussing the Western powers?


-Canada plans for non-combat in Afghanistan
·What did Ministre Terence Lawrens Cannon say?
·In what year will finish the combat mission?
·How many Afghan soldiers helped, trained and supervised  Canada?


-Arrest of Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange
·What were the allegations which involve Julian Assange?
·Why has he been refused bail?
·From which country are the complaints?

-Busquets cleared to play for Barcelona in Wembley final
·When and were is the Champions Final?
·What made the Real Madrid to accuse Busquets?
·Who were sent off on the Semifinals?

-Iceland volcano: Grimsvotn eruption hits flights

Djokovic into semis of Roland Garros

·How many vistories needs Djokovic to be the number one of the ATP?
·Who is his next opponent?
·Who was Fognini?


-Third worker dies at Japan nuclear plant
·What's the cause of the death?
·How many millisieverts was he exposed?
·What's the caused of the radiation?